Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to Understand the Difference Between Parkour and Free Running

Both parkour and free running have been taking the world by storm for the last decade or so. They may seem to be synonyms at first, but there are actually some pretty big differences between the two.

Understand What parkour is. Parkour can essentially be boiled down to the art of moving efficiently. A Traceur (person who practices parkour) goes from point A to point B in the most direct, most efficient way possible. If there is something in the way then they will vault, jump, or climb over it. In parkour efficiency is king, and thus it is very much akin to a martial art in which the goal isn't to look pretty, but rather to learn effective techniques.

Understand what parkour isn't. Parkour isn't a list of moves like in a Tony Hawk game. Doing something like a "270 tic tac wall climb", is not parkour. Because the goal isn't to look pretty. It doesn't matter how you do something in parkour, all that matters is that did it safely and efficiently. Flips are rarely, if ever, considered to be "Parkour" because many traceurs will consider them to be frivolous. To quote Traceur Chris Rowat "In the same way that a lion wouldn't consider adding any unnecessary flair or danger to crossing a fast-flowing river, I try to find challenging jumps, obstacles and routes that force me to face my fears and push my limits using just the most basic of techniques."

Free-Running does have all sorts of flips, and twist, which can make it very visually appealing!
Free-Running does have all sorts of flips, and twist, which can make it very visually appealing!
Understand what Free Running is. It is true that initially Free Running started out as an English term for Parkour, but it has since evolved out of that designation. Free-running could be boiled down and simplified as Urban Gymnastics. Free-running has also become something more of an art, than parkour is, which could be considered more of a discipline. Free 
Running involves flips and spins, and other much more visual things.

Understand the point of both Parkour and Free-Running. Neither are about money or showing off. I'll repeat that for emphasis. NEITHER FREE RUNNING NOR PARKOUR ARE ABOUT SHOWING OFF, OR EARNING MONEY. It is incredibly important for anyone who wishes to train for either of these activities that this concept be understood. From a philosophical stand point, The fundamental aspect of both of these disciplines is about development of the self, although the reason for that development might differ from person to person. From a bit more pragmatic standpoint, just do what you enjoy.

There is some overlap between the definitions between parkour and free-running, but understand that neither is simply a list of moves. It about movement. Move and you'll discover how to move more, and better. Don't worry about comparing yourself to others, do what YOU can do, but push yourself.

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